Friday, October 8, 2010

California Association of Criminalists meets The Nadjik Pheromone

Oakland, California, October 5th, 2010:
"CSI" lab technicians and crime lab scientists from all over California, meeting at the Oakland City Center Marriott/Conference Center, were introduced to the hypothesis of forensic breath analysis lie detection in a presentation by its originator, historian Michael Kenneth Hemp. A career of seeking historical facts and accuracy developed a parallel interest in seeking the scientific forensic proof of the human lie. But not with the subjectivity of a polygraph, but with the certainty of a pregnancy test.
Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) is believed to have the capability of ultimately analyzing the micro-biochemistry of the living human exhaust, the breath and pores, for the nearly atomic scale chemical characters present only when a human lies.
The presentation was well received with several California and federal law enforcement entities now keenly interested in its path to feasibility.
Nomination for the CAC presentation was made by renowned Crime Lab Biochemist (retired), Bob Blackledge of El Cajon.
For more background information on The Nadjik Pheromone GC-MS Forensic Breath Analysis Lie Detection, go to:

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

"The Nadjik Pheromone" gains traction in GC-MS science circles

     Since the 239th American Chemical Society conference at the Moscone Center in San Francisco in March 2010, "The Nadjik Pheromone" has been gaining traction with an increasing number of GC-MS forensic biochemists. So close to theoretical feasibility, it was easily confused as non-fiction, which caused a pre-conference "dust-up" that reached as high as the office of the President of the ACS.
    My contention, and the position of an increasing number of forensic biochemists—like Dr. Brian Andresen, who penned the Epilogue to the book—is that there may be little fiction in the hypothesis at all. The fact that a science operating at attagram levels could be capable of detecting trace molecular evidence of the human lie seems less preposterous every day.
    As this unprecedented GC-MS application to breath analysis lie detection grows among scientists and forensic chemists as they consider the hypothesis carefully, there will be a number of prestigious opportunities to present "The Nadjik Pheromone" to a properly skeptical scientific establishment. Very soon I hope to announce final approval of an invitation to present a reprise of my ACS San Francisco address this fall to a particularly prominent audience which I will be extremely pleased to identify when finalized. Stay tuned.
    In the meantime, "The Nadjik Pheromone" is also wending its way into the halls and courtrooms of the legal world. The immediate recognition so far is that the law and justice system are totally unprepared for the legal and Constitutional implications and consequences of an irrefutable scientific lie detection technology that goes far beyond the statistical "proof" of DNA evidence to the conclusive identification of the act of telling a lie. No oath required.
    I invite you to return to this blog occasionally to measure progress in the penetration of the scientific and public awareness of a prospect that could change virtually every facet of world governance, law and legal systems, conduct of business and commerce, as well as finally identify the corrupt and violent—particularly terrorists, gangs, and organized crime that threaten our local and global security and safety. Without torture or "enhanced interrogation" — just a simple answer of "yes" or "no" on your breath...

    "The Nadjik Pheromone" is available nationally (If not in stock, ask your local bookstore to order it from Ingram) or it can be purchased at and Barnes and on-line booksellers. Signed copies are available from The History Company.

    Thank you for your interest.

Again soon,

Michael Kenneth Hemp

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

"Nadjik" at the ACS conference in San Francisco, March 24th

As you know, I've been invited to present the technological hypothesis created in "The Nadjik Pheromone" to the scientific world that could make it happen: GC-MS forensic breath analysis lie detection. Many of the world's leading chemical esxperts and researchers are meeting again at the 239th ACS National Conference in San Francisco.

I'm happy to announce that I will now be making two presentations at the American Chemical Society national conference at the Moscone Center, San Francisco on March 24th.

"The Nadjik Pheromone"—still an 5-star book—is now available on Kindle, and on for other eReaders, cell phones, and even iPads.

Signed First Editions are available at


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

GC-MS breath analysis lie detection coming...

The American Chemical Society has invited me to present the GC-MS biochemical breath analysis lie detection hypothesis in "The Nadjik Pheromone" at the ACS San Francisco National Conference, March 21-25th, 2010.

Had this biochemical premise for lie detection come from a lab, it would already be news (or classified). That it came from a novel and will now be shared with the GC-MS (Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry) technical community for pursuit and development IS big news.

Not that the premise has not been validated by credible scientific consideration. Those of you familiar with "The Nadjik Pheromone" know that Dr. Brian Andresen, former chief of forensic science at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories, feels so strongly as to have written the Epilogue for "The Nadjik Pheromone"—confirming the scientific GC-MS ability to achieve one of the most staggering feats in human accomplishment: identify the human act of lying.

Tag: Think of how the use of a verifiable biochemical lie detection system would affect all the concerns you have about all the lying and corruption that occurs all around you, daily. Who would you support using it on first?

And, of course...."Who guards the guards?" (Old Roman Proverb)

"The Nadjik Pheromone" (an 5-star) is availble on; or ask for it at your favorite book store (its listed in Ingram).

Truth, what a concept.